Friday, March 30, 2012

Incredibly Professional..

Mirror pictures are in, right?? :) They are when you're in a hurry between school and work, and your handsome live-in photographer (a.k.a. fiance) isn't at home. So let's take a look at this outfit, shall we?
Yellow cardigan.. again.. yes. My favorite. 
Top. is actually a skirt.. ironically last time I wore it, I took pictures in my bathroom mirror. Maybe it's just this article of clothing that calls for this. Who knows? :) 
Jeans.. yep. 
Moccasins.. LOVE. 

How many of you out there have tried these stick on nail polish strips? This is my second try at them, and they came out MUCH better! That is my one tip of advice when using these.. buy one kind that you don't care as much for, and then the ones you really like.. because the first time you ever try to put them on, you won't be diggin' the results. haha. 

Happy weekend! <3

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Please Excuse my Wrinkles..

Linen pants. I love 'em, but hate their wrinkles. They were the perfect light-weight, yet still slightly warm item to wear today. The weather was kind of cool, but then warm when the sun would peek out occasionally. However, my school must have thought it was 90 degrees out, because the a/c was on full blast all day. I was really glad I decided to wear pants, then. :) 
Plus, I was feeling good because I feel like this is a pretty grown-up look. Isn't it weird how a bright yellow cardigan can feel like a neutral, depending on the other colors it's paired with? Or is this just me? I feel like my look was very monotone today, but I loved it. I felt like it fit in perfectly with the feel of this Spring day. Also, in case you haven't noticed yet... I wear this cardigan.. a. lot. 

Top: Forever 21 (old)/Cardigan: Thrifted/Pants: Thrifted/Shoes: Target ($20)

I realized right before taking the pictures that I forgot to put on any accessories today. But oh well.. we got to hang out with these guys during the shoot:

Thank you to Douglas for bringing me to this beautiful park, and taking my pictures for me. <3

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Quick Hello. :)

One outfit shot for this evening. It's already late.. this has been such a busy day! I have my school folder in my picture with me, as you can see from it's bright blue cover, and my yellow cardigan, I don't shy away from colors. Except for the rest of my outfit, I guess. Haha. I just realized that. Black tank, white lace top and black jeans.. Oh well. I'm wearing my favorite new floral print tennis shoes. <3

A lot of exciting things are about to be happening for me, though. That's why this day was so busy. I'm in the Dietetic Technician program at the local community college.. I've been really into nutrition for the last couple of years, and once I found out that it could be a career path, I was sold. This is  my passion. So, I'm in my second semester, so I'm really starting to get involved with the Student Dietetic Organization and everything. 

My first cool thing is that our school is putting together a Nutrition Rocks! Day camp for elementary school age kids, we're doing classes and fun stuff to teach them basics about eating healthy and staying active. I'm co-teaching one of the classes. 
Then! I have a volunteer opportunity with the county food bank here, they're working with a national program through Share Our Strength, called Cooking Matters. It's a cross between nutrition ed, and a cooking class. I shadowed a teacher tonight, and the curriculum is awesome. It's a free program to local adults, and some families, and the people that were there tonight were interested in changing their lives. Some had serious health issues, and they've realized that eating healthy is going to help them out. Oh, it is so exciting! 

Anyway, that's a couple of things, other than school and work that are going to be taking up my time, but I'm still here! Promise! Have a good night, and a great weekend. :) 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's Sprriiiiingg!

I'm sure you're sick of talking and hearing about the first day of Spring, but let me tell you something.. it is also Taco Tuesday. And first day of Spring or not, Douglas and I will be having some tacos for dinner. Don't you doubt that. He is actually figuring out our location for them as I type this. Are we on the same page, or what? 
It's actually been really nice, and then a huge storm came through last night leaving everything wet, and slightly cold. So I had to cover the legs back up a little bit with my lace tights. They're perfect when I'm not ready to expose my pasty skin to the world just yet. Also, I feel like I should have attempted to untangle my necklace a little bit, but......... oh well. :) So yeah. I'm getting myself back in the swing of things, so I hope to see you again tomorrow. Have a great evening.. Go get some Tacos!*

Cardigan: Forever 21/Top and Skirt: Thrifted/Tights: Urban Outfitters/Shoes: Forever 21/
Necklace: Christmas gift from my Aunt. 

*This post not sponsored by Tacos, although it should be.. Because we eat a lot of Tacos.